Header images from the 2023-2024 AJET Photo Contest.

February 26th Dracula Musical in Gosen

Where?  (click here) どこ  (クリック) 日本語は英語の後に書いてあります。 Come and see the Gosen show of this year’s AJET Niigata Charity English Musical, Dracula! This year’s show tells an unheard story of Dracula. It takes place in Niigata, where the evil Dracula sinks his teeth into a group of mangakas in desperate need Read more…

March 19th Dracula Musical in Sado

Where?  (click here) どこ  (クリック) 日本語は英語の後に書いてあります。 Come and see the Sado Island show of this year’s AJET Niigata Charity English Musical, Dracula! This year’s show tells an unheard story of Dracula. It takes place in Niigata, where the evil Dracula sinks his teeth into a group of mangakas in desperate need Read more…