Header images from the 2023-2024 AJET Photo Contest.

Prefectural Advisors (PAs) bear the important role of providing support for JET participants and local authorities which serve as contracting organizations.  To ensure that JET participants are able to lead comfortable daily lives and concentrate on their work duties, PAs shall collaborate with contracting organizations and engage in the provision of information, planning and execution of a variety of training seminars for JET participants as well as supervisors.
In addition to encouraging the further deepening of mutual understanding between contracting organizations and JET participants, in an emergency situation such as a natural disaster or accident, PAs shall provide support for contracting organization by assisting with communication and liaising with affiliated parties upon request.
Charged with such a role and having high expectations from both contracting organizations and JET participants, the PA position is vital to the smooth operation of the JET Program.

(PA duties)
PAs, unrelated to their placement or place of employment, shall perform duties as set forth in the following items for the benefit of all JET participants and/or contracting organizations within the Host/Prefecture/Designated City.

  1. Consultation from JET participants and contracting organizations
  2. Provision of information necessary for JET participants’ daily lives
  3. Planning and execution of training seminars and orientation(s) for JET participants and contracting organizations supervisors.
  4. Promotion of mutual understanding between JET participants and contracting organizations and promotion of the formation of a self-help network by JET participants.
  5. Keeping and handling of records in relation to 1-4 above.


Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)